Thursday, June 6, 2013
Tonight I walked into Kroger around 11:45 to pick up a few odds and ends. I ran into an older man whose skin was dark and rough; whose hands were cracked with wear. His foot was in a cast and he struggled to hold the door open for one of his co-workers. His navy polo and khaki work-pants were tattered. I wondered how long he had been working there. We made eye contact and something inside me ached terribly for him. My feet paused and I absorbed him. He glanced away and passed me but I continued to observe.
I felt the burden inside his chest from twenty feet away. It weighed heavily upon my shoulders. I asked the Lord to take it from him. I began praying for this man and I felt as though the Lord was telling me a small portion of his story.
This man [once] had a dream.
I do not know what his dream consisted of. But I felt as though its magnitude was more important than its material.
He once had a very large dream.
Checking out, I began speaking with a cashier who was around my age. She had a gravelly voice; her breath was coated with the scent of cigarettes. She wore her pants low with a rainbow studded belt and her shirt a size too small. She placed change in my hand, and when her fingers grazed mine I felt immediate peace rush over me. She was kind, hopeful and alive. At 11:59 she told me to have a nice evening. I knew she meant it.
As I began walking to my car I considered the contrast of the two characters. The girl pursued her life with a spirit of gratefulness; her brow was un-furrowed, and her spirit seemed un-broken. I wondered about the extent of her dreaming.
My heart still ached for the elderly man. I felt his life, his pain and his toil. As I sat in my car I considered the other figures that I encountered while shopping.
A hispanic man who was clearly a mechanic followed near me throughout most of my trip. I wondered about him: who he was, his life, his family, and his aspirations. Had he achieved his dreams?
I began praying that God would instill in all of these people a voracious hunger to pursue their passions so that He might be glorified. I prayed that they would be ignited again, and encounter Him in new ways--or for the first time altogether. As I began praying, I couldn't stop. There was an insatiable longing to pray for their release from the bondage of doubt, self-torment, and allowing their past to dictate their future. As I began thinking about it, I couldn't understand why this is not a huge priority in the church. And these questions arose.
I would be so ecstatic to get some feedback on any (or all) of the following:
1. Where do our dreams fit in the concept of our identity in Christ?
2. How important are our individual dreams?
3. Are our dreams important to God?
4. How can we glorify God in the pursuit of our dreams?
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1. i believe our dreams are breathed from God. i believe there is a difference between dreams and desire. some one may disagree but i see desire as what you want because it looks good and feels good and seems good. you think that desire is what you need desire is a very in the moment feeling at least in my head it is. dreams are so much bigger than desire that usually scare us they say everything to us and yet the scare everything out of us. dreams are everything how we see they should be, they allow us to strip away the insecurities and fear and see how we really should be. they show us life to its fullest without everything else they are fullfilled emotions and wants. i may sound crazy with this i may be off i am just a man. but i do know that most of the dreams in my head the true dreams in my head were breathed by God they are fearless innocent pure persistent they allow me to live how i need to live to do what i was created to do yes i believe we were all created to do things. i believe they are a big part of the concept of our identity in Christ
ReplyDelete2. our individual dreams are so important. they essentially are who we should be. its so much bigger than just jobs or career. we think that what we want is so bad but i believe when we really examine what we want and boil all the bullshit down all the selfishness the fear the lies our dreams are the outcome of us living life. we dream for all kinds of things from the right job to the right thing to eat for lunch. dreams are so important to how we live our lives if we live in our dreams i believe we will make a shift in things we will be pursing after what we really deserve pursing our dreams i believe is trusting in the lord to take us where he has intended to take us to use our passions and gifts that he gave us.
3. our dreams are very important to us. i believe our dreams are breathed from God i believe that he is our father who created us and he planted our passions and gifts and dream in our hearts and i believe he has made each of us completely unique and he has made us with purpose. We were created to live our dreams God has planted them in our hearts and he wants to walk through life with us pursuing our dreams and living in His kingdom i believe life with God means no separation from the things we do and time with him i believe as we pursue our dreams we are walking it out with him .
4. i believe by just doing them without fear and know who he has made us to be. we must not live in fear that we cannot do it. God has given us grace with empowers us to do the things we are not capeable to do on our own. He is here to help us and walk through it with us but we cannot live in fear we cannot think of how we are not good enough not talented enough not skillful enough we must know that if we are fully trusting in Him and pursing life with Him we will make us able to do what we are suppose to do and to live out our lives pursiing our passions and dreams i believe he planted them there and he wants us to pursue them with him
i fail all the time at know God is big enough for me to pursue my dreams but this helped remind me that He is bigger than all my fear and doubt and insecurities and that he has planted dreams in my heart for a purepose and a reason that he loves me and wants me to live it out
some of my thoughts may be off but this is what i feel i have learned so far