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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Meetings with Dr. Hester

 Lately, I have been frequenting Dr. Hester's office more often. I used to visit Dr. Reid a great amount during the week and we would talk about God and the world. One thing that is phenomenal about Welch is in the quiet corners, there are some phenomenal theologians that ooze wisdom. To be able to sit and have coffee with them on a rainy day or be able to unload on them when you're disheveled and all-over-the-place makes you feel like a pretty lucky person. I feel like an immeasurably blessed person. 
 In the past week I have met with Dr. Hester twice. He picked my brain and encouraged my honesty in a lot of areas that I rarely venture into. When things got real...he said the following. Normally I wouldn't share something so special with the world, however he was so uplifting, I cannot help but record it:

            "I know at times you feel as though you're wearing shoes that do not fit quite right, or you are being forced to wear shoes when you'd rather wear none at all...but you need to take heart and find areas in which you can fully express yourself."
             He then encouraged me to build a portfolio and consider an MFA. Now, I'm not especially keen on the idea of graduate school. But to me, that he believed in me enough to take the time to discuss it with me means everything. We have professors at our school who truly take the time to breathe LIFE into people!
           Yesterday I went to him desperately begging for help with a paper I am writing. I am struggling to prove that John Donne was a spiritual Augustinian. He laid out a paper for me. He said: "I've essentially set you up with a Masters level paper." And I paused and said: "Are you sure this won't be over my head? I feel at times that I'm not intelligent enough to be in college." He paid me a tremendous compliment by assuring me that I am extremely intelligent. "Gifted..." he said. "Doubly gifted." Now, these things are precious to me, and I do not want to go pouring them out all over the internet. But, they meant so much to me that when times become turbulent, I can reflect on these compliments. I don't take these things lightly. And it has been reiterated over the past few weeks how dynamically "different" that I am. I have been deemed "colorful," "unique," and a "flower" by my fellow students and professors. 
        When Dr. Riggs began prodding me, mid-class, two weeks ago and began pulling my "junk" out in front of everyone, people began raising their hands and telling me how my love has changed their lives. They commented on how I've shown them Christ in new ways. Dr. Riggs said:
   "You will tell the truth, whether it hair-lips someone or not. I have been in the ministry for years, and I felt challenged by what you said about homosexuals: your love for the people the church ostracizes casted light on the fact that the church is handling situations inappropriately."
    All of that was God. I am aware. The spirit showed up that day. But I am grateful that He has chosen to use me as a vessel. He has taken my peculiarities and affirmed that despite my disbelief He is using them for the Kingdom. 

      The Little House of Flora, is a precious house to the Kingdom indeed. Christ dwells here in the heart of it. Dr. Hester says Lewis talks a great deal about house analogies. His primary advice to me was to start allowing people inside of mine. If I truly have the gift of hospitality I will stop being so afraid of loving people and let them in. 

     "Live...laugh...love..." he said. 
     "That's who JADE is."
     This affirmation has caused a stirring in my life, and I wanted to put it in writing--just incase I ever    forget. 

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